April 29, 2024


“Risk gets me buzzing. But before you think I’m one of the lucky ones who gets excited about things that make my heart drop, I want you to know that I’m not. I am riddled with anxiety and have been my entire life."


February 26, 2024


“It feels like it’s time to give back to the place that has given the most to me. Get ready for Maui Makai Magazine for all things wellness, culture, play and yumminess."


August 17, 2023


“As a holistic wellness coach and certified Unplug meditation teacher, I have a big responsibility to you and my clients to walk my talk."


May 20, 2022


“Kama Hagar, a certified holistic wellness coach with her own virtual practice, noted that meditation can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which may help psychiatric disorders, peptic ulcers, migraines, and other conditions exacerbated by stress."


February 17, 2022


“It not only shows us how to be more aware of our surroundings, but also of all the intricacies within ourselves,” says Kama Hagar, a holistic wellness and meditation coach. “Don’t be surprised if you find yourself noticing unconscious habits, patterns or unhelpful ways of thinking.”


February 2, 2022

Vitamin Shoppe

Because meditation focuses on being present and understanding the here and now, it teaches how to be more aware of one’s surroundings, as well as shines a light on all the intricacies within ourselves, according to Kama Hagar, a certified holistic wellness coach.


January 20, 2021


"Remember that emotions are meant to be felt and that they are never permanent," says certified holistic wellness coach Kama Hagar. It's OK to go through the entire spectrum of feels. "Normalize the ebbs and flows as well as the deeper emotions that are settling in right now."


January 1, 2021


“New year’s intentions may be challenging to come up with when the future’s so blurry. This is why I highly recommend you work with a positive affirmation,” said Kama Hagar, a meditation coach and reiki master in Santa Monica, California.


December 21, 2020


Hagar says, “Caught you already! Don’t think of this as exercise to burn calories or shed pounds!” So no — this isn’t a burn-it-off, earn-your-meal workout… not in the slightest. “Think of this as your tribute to your body, and a time to move energy through it,” she explains. “Let this moment be a time to cherish it and consciously release any old patterning around food. You’ll feel better and clearer.”


December 14, 2020


"Carving out time for yourself regularly should be non-negotiable like brushing your teeth in the morning, says Kama Hagar, a certified holistic wellness coach. "Put it on the calendar daily for anywhere between ten minutes to an hour and call it 'selfless self-care' because it's not selfish, it is vital for your wellbeing, she tells."


November 25, 2020

Sunday Riley

"Hagar suggests finding a calm spot in your house, having some tea and getting cozy, as you start to list out all of the people and aspects in your life that you’re grateful to have."


November 23, 2020


“Creating the mental space to find inspiration requires more effort during times of stress,” Kama Hagar, a certified holistic wellness trainer based in Lake Arrowhead, California, says. “You need to mentally and physically surrender yourself to unearth inspiration. Sometimes, it can be discovered by simply taking a midday walk, shaking your body to a new song, calling a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, or doing some breathing work.”


November 9, 2020


"The world is chaotic right now, and we don't need our own stories and delusions clouding the already foggy air,” says Hagar. "Acceptance brings a kind of clarity that is unmatched by anything else. Once we accept what is happening, we can make the most authentic and effective decisions. We can lead with truth, love, and empathy. Acceptance accomplished is peace. Choose peace."


November 5, 2020

Her Campus

"Scrolling through social media for political updates, watching or reading the news and hearing endless streams of opinions and drama isn’t going to keep you calm,” she says. “The news and social media have been proven to lower self-esteem, trigger feelings of isolation and stress us out.”


November 5, 2020

Mane Addicts

"Kama Hagar is a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach and meditation queen who knows the struggle is real when it comes to hair growth. Looking at her cascading blonde hair, you wouldn’t know that she ever struggled with getting her locks the right length – but she did. That all changed, however, when she introduced meditation into her life. We chatted with Kama about how to introduce meditation and why it has a huge effect on hair quality."


November 4, 2020


"Meditation expert and wellness coach Kama Hagar echoes this sentiment, suggesting you "log off this week and stay off until you're more settled and ready to let anything external in — as your personal processing doesn't need the influence of hundreds of others." Instead, turn on some music, take a bath, watch something funny, talk to a friend, read, or listen to a meditation app. Anything that brings you joy is going to be worth your energy right now."


October 20, 2020

Real Simple

"Certified holistic wellness coach Kama Hagar suggests putting innovative spins on traditional routines to help you feel closer to your loved ones."


October 19, 2020

Up Journey

"So many of us feel that work is life or death. We are afraid that speaking up for ourselves or asking for what we need could be the direct key to our career’s demise. I want you to know it’s just not true. I want you to know that your well-being is just as important as your job."


October 14, 2020

Her Campus

“Gen Z is young, so we are looking a lot toward generations ahead of us – to our parents, teachers and elders,” Kama Hagar, certified holistic wellness coach, tells Her Campus. “Even though there is that phase of rebellion [present in Gen Z], we are still going to be wary to take it seriously. We’re being told this is a global pandemic, so we’re taking that as a global pandemic.”


October 14, 2020

Up Journey

"Selfless and selfish are complete opposite things, yet so many of us seem to have a hard time finding the balance between the two. It’s either me, me, me or everyone else, so how can we find the middle ground?"


September 8, 2020

Telemundo 52

"Tienen relaciones. Están conectados."


August 25, 2020

Real Simple

"This can lead to or include something known as catrophisizing, or jumping to the worst-case scenario outcome. Kama Hagar, certified holistic wellness coach, explains that our thoughts may frequently feel out-of-whack, but when they reach a petrifying level that slightly-off feeling turns into panic."


August 21, 2020

Better Booch

"Kama also suggested practicing inversions for stress-relief and holding poses like headstands or downward-dog. According to Yoga Journal, when one comes down from Headstand, one often feels clearer and calmer. The common assumption is that Headstand floods the brain with freshly oxygenated blood, and the brain is refreshed."


August 17, 2020

ABC News

"Today's Motivation Monday is all about self care! Sonia touches on the importance of taking time to fill up your own cup... and shares some ideas in case you're clueless about where to start."


August 11, 2020

ABC News

"Sonia chats with a holistic healing coach about ways to soothe children who may feel separation anxiety at the start of the school year."


June 29, 2020

Fem Founder

"Kama Hagar is a holistic healer and entrepreneur who uses the magic of Hawaiian healing as the baseline for her custom wellbeing sessions and her eco-luxury skincare line, Mukama Botanica."


May 26, 2020

Sivana East

"I interviewed Kama Hagar, a certified meditation and mental health coach, Reiki healer, and Hawaiian healing practitioner (as well as the daughter of renowned musician Sammy Hagar) to get her thoughts for healing, finding balance, and finding peace during turbulent times."


May 13, 2020

It's All You Boo

"During these challenging times, those of us who consider ourselves empaths can struggle immensely with the weight of wanting to help."


May 5, 2020


“When starting out, a meditation space should be comfortable and inspiring,” says mental health and meditation coach Kama Hagar. “Everyone has a different practice and different taste, but my favorite universally appreciated ambiance includes dim lighting or candlelight, a soft blanket, and comfortable, supportive pillows.”


May 5, 2020

The Beet

"We’re all in need of replenishing our spirits right now, and what better path than getting in touch with your mind-body connection through meditation? In this one-on-one remote meditation session with wellness coach Kama Hagar, she’ll combine her skills as a meditation coach, reiki healer and Hawaiian healing practitioner to help brighten your beloved matriarch’s day."


April 22, 2020

Lux & Concord

"...part of Hagar’s mission is to inspire selfless self-care™. She believes that wellness can be both ethical and beautiful..."


April 14, 2020

Pretty Girl Makeup

"I love meditation and my new favorite is the 7 Day Chakra Balancing Meditation Series by my friend Kama Hagar."


March 26, 2020

Life Curated Mag

"I grew up part-time in the jungle of Huelo, Hawai’i in a home my family named, "Mu," after the mystical, lost Pacific continent. This place, alive with pure magic, vibrant fruit trees and fragrant, blooming flowers, secret waterfalls and sacred mana (energy) inspired my every move."


October 17, 2017

The Fullest

"Having lived a vagabond lifestyle since birth, Kama developed a love for beauty of all kinds. This deep passion for wanting to understand what was beautiful to each person and in turn, what made them personally feel more beautiful..."