Feeling whole + full. And that wholeness + fullness is bringing overflow. Funny how that works.
1. Mentorship.
I've been a lone ranger for a long while. Aside from a few team-oriented jobs in my teens and early twenties, I started a T-shirt business in high school, worked as a Spanish tutor, founded a skincare line (Mukama Botanica), started a wellness coaching business (hello!) and am now working on a book and a digital magazine (stay tuned ;)). I am so grateful for the freedom and independence of the entrepreneurial journey, but man, it can get lonely - and confusing.
Sometimes you feel like you're just doing donuts in the parking lot - shooting blanks, wondering where the hell you're going and if you're doing anything right. When the digital magazine came into my life, I said yes because it meant working with someone I admire. It meant workdays from coffee shops, support phone calls, a community of likeminded business owners and accountability. This is what I've been looking for. I finally have a mentor! More on it soon :)
2. Vision boards.
This has probably been on one of my musings lists before, but it's back. Why? Because every single thing I've ever put on my vision board has come into my life. Even my dream house (sure it's $39 million, but I stayed down the street from it in 2019 on a month-long trip to O'ahu!)! I've had to redo so many boards because of how quickly things move once I can see them. It's like a reminder of who I am. It's a claim. And studies show how powerful imagery is. If you expose your mind to it, it starts to bring it into the very tapestry of your makeup. Suddenly you are a perfect match and everything you're doing is in favor of that very thing.
I had a sweet vision board gathering with a few good friends last weekend. It was so fun to see people's dreams laid out on the board before them. More than that, their essence - it was a snippet of who they really are and it was so fun to see.
3. Flowers everywhere.
Between Valentine's Day and a baby housewarming I had, I have been swimming in flowers. Bright yellow sunflowers, purple irises, magenta and yellow dahlias, red roses, yellow roses, pink roses, pink lilies - they're on my dining table, my desk, my kitchen sill - and it makes me so happy.
4. Pirette candle.
Described as the smell of "fresh coconut, surf wax, sunscreen, and that sun-washed feel after a day at the beach" and it is just that. I've been dreaming of this candle forever and everywhere I find it, I suck down that scent like an addict - I need to buy it.
5. Prepping together.
As mentioned, I've always been a lone ranger. I've always admired the people who let people help them. Be it with their kids, their housework, their errands, their projects - I'm not so great at this. I always want to be complete before anyone sees me. I'm starting to try to change that. It's hard. It makes me sweat, but I'm trying to prove to myself what a little card on my desk says from a friend who saw me in that exposure last week: "You don't have to be perfect to be amazing."
6. Pastel pink.
Really into this color right now for design (interior, digital, etc.). I want this to be the pop of color in our white, black and wood-toned home. Sean's not buying it (*yet*). Pray for me.
7. Constancy.
I learned this term from a therapist who was helping me with an ancient codependent-anxious attachment style I've been working with. Constancy is the ability to retain a bond with another person — even if you find yourself upset, angry, or disappointed by their actions. For many codependent, anxious-type people pleasers, this is really probably core thing we lacked: the feeling of love and connection even if were in trouble or at odds with primary caregivers.
To say, "I love you even when I'm not here. Even when the door is closed. Even when I'm disappointed. Even when I am angry. Even when we disagree." is to say "I love you constantly." And "I love you constantly" is one of the most healing things anyone can ever hear.