Self-Love School

meditation self-care Jun 30, 2020

If I could wish one thing for the every human and being on this planet, it would be self-love. My belief is that if we all truly loved ourselves, there would be peace on earth. Yes - a near utopia. A place where comparison and unhealthy competition fades and truth emanates. A place where confidence is exuded by every individual and universal love is restored. Self-love is self-acceptance, self-respect, self-worth, truth and alignment.

The sad truth is that 85% of people suffer from low self-esteem and a lack of self-love. So why is it so hard to master or to even experience? Society makes it hard. Marketing tells us we're not good enough, school tells us we're not smart enough, our jobs oftentimes confine us to a certain system, and even our parents, friends and family expect us to be a certain way.

When we start to believe all the external chatter ourselves is when we are especially shamed out of our light. It's easy to fall into this trap if we don't have the tools to come back to and empower ourselves.

The good news is: despite all external circumstances, self-love is available to us. We start within, we ripple out and the world gets brighter.

Because I am so passionate about self-love, I finally decided to do something big. I want everyone to have the tools to love every single dimension of themselves and the guidance to know how and where to start. So... I launched my first ever e-course: Self-Love School - and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you.

I am a certified meditation and mental health coach, reiki healer and Hawaiian healing practitioner. My core mission is to help people practice selfless self-care. I believe that filling your own cup is the key to finding joy, pleasure, self-love, self-acceptance and authenticity.

As someone who struggled with body dysmorphia and heavy self-criticism, I know this work firsthand. I am here to show you how to make home a place within. The world is your temple, your teacher, and your playground. You are about to become your own best friend.

I am so excited to lead you on this journey back home to yourself and help you find true self-love.

This dynamic and approachable course is made to de-mystify the #1 ingredient to healthy, happy, holistic living: self-love. Immerse yourself in 15 days of powerful, proven healing modalities to learn to love yourself truly, deeply and authentically.

Each and every tool and ritual in this course has been carefully designed to cater to each of the four dimensions of your wellbeing.

We start in the mind to sort through and reprogram thoughts. We move to our bodies, where we learn how to care for, respect and nourish our physical selves. We take it subtler and learn to free our emotions. We go beyond and play into our spiritual wellbeing to find deep, fulfilling meaning and connection.

Over the course of 15-days (or however long you choose to work it), you will learn to:

  1. Reprogram your thoughts.

  2. Care for, respect and nourish your physical self.

  3. Free your emotions.

  4. Find deep, fulfilling meaning and spiritual connection.

  5. Love yourself.

The tools we use to get there include:

  • Mindfulness Meditation

  • Yoga/Movement

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping)

  • Ayurvedic Rituals

  • Hawaiian Healing

  • Reiki

  • Journaling

  • Mantra

What's included:

  • 5 Guided Meditations

  • 6 Healing Rituals

  • 7+ Journal Prompts

  • 15-40 Minutes of Content per Day

  • Lifetime Access to the Course

My beautiful friends, your journey awaits. I cannot wait for you to embark.

Sign up anytime here.

With love,


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